Sunday, June 27, 2010

You Want Me to Ask a Customer WHAT??!?!!!?

SO, story is that today at work, I was flipping through the Big Book of Cakes, and lo and behold, there was a new cake! Now, I feel that this cake had something special to it. It was a Barbie cake. BUT let me tell you right now that that's not what made it special for me. What made it special for you Lia you ask? Well, let me tell you all about it.
It was the fact that this barbie cake came in 3 (count em, 3) different colours. You can order a Caucasion Barbie cake, a Hispanic Barbie cake, or an African American Barbie cake.

Now, I'm all for diversity, and I think that its wonderful that people are open minded enough now that we can actually stock 3 different colours of barbie for your special occasion pleasure.
HOWEVER, that is also wherein lies my issue. Plain and simple, how the fuck does a bakery clerk go about asking a customer what colour of Barbie would they like on their cake? I mean, I can't very well say "All right, we'll start out with you're name and number... and would you like an African American, Hispanic, or Caucasion Barbie with your cake?" IT WOULD BE RUDE PEOPLE. Rude, I tell you!

What if an East Indian, or Asian person came into the store and wanted and East Indian or Asian Barbie on their cake? For that matter, what if someone came in and wanted a Ken on their cake? I mean, at this point I'd just have to say no because apparently we don't stock boy dolls. Its just not done.
What if a person came in and was racially misread by the clerk taking their order? What if the clerk was all "all right, we'll take your name and number, and I assume you'd like a Hispanic Barbie on your cake?.... oh. you're black. Well we'll just be giving you an African American Barbie then.. oh... your daughter is adopted and is actually white... so... Caucasion Barbie it is."

Does no one else see the unbelivable potential for akwardness here? I mean really. This is just all round a bad plan..

ps. we also got in baby shower cakes, with pink and blue booties for the decorations... what happens if you have a sexually ambigious child? What if you have a hermafrodidic baby? They don't make booties in neutral colours. again. AKWARD.

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