Saturday, July 31, 2010

Random 5 Questions Blog

1)You have a liscence to kill. With your liscence to kill, who do you kill?

Ok, first off, I'm actually going to change the question to "With your liscence to kick someone in the balls, who do you kick?"
Now, the answer to this question, is my neighbour, The Jackass Next Door (I don't actually know his name, because this is all my family has ever called him, though I have a sneaking suspision that his real name is Micheal, which sucks, because I've always liked the name Micheal, and I hate when people I don't like have names I like)
Why, you ask, would I like to kick my neighbour in the balls? Well, he made my mom cry, so he can go fuck himself :D

2) Have you ever seen a dead body?

No, but I did scatter my grandmas ashes when she died. Does that count?

3)Grossest thing you've ever seen?

Crocs with socks

4)TV show you never miss

I fucking love Lost, but thats over, so I'll have to confess my secret obsession with Project Runway, Say Yes To The Dress, Cupcake Girls, and What Not To Wear. Dont hate me.

5) How big is your bed? Big enough?

My bed is a queen size, which is big enough for one, I guess, BUT, I want a big fucking bed. I want a bed the size of two king size beds pushed together. You know why that is? Because, for some reason, I can't sleep with someone else in the bed, so I figure if they have the equivalant of their own bed, I'll be good to go. Yay me!

thats all.. take the questions, pass them on,


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things I Fucking Love: Awesomeness Because of BP Oil Spill

SO, story is that just because every damn body else is complaining about the oil spill and the utter tragedy attatched to beaches and small animals being coated in oil doesnt mean that no good has come of it!
Here's a list of A Few Good Things That Have Come From The Oil Spill

1) The BP Drinking Game
For those of you who don't know yet, here's how to play:
step 1) Grab yo crew
step 2) Grab yo drink-o-choice
step 3) Turn on the ridiclous bullshit that is CNN
step 4) Bitch loudly about how stupid and biased Anderson Cooper is, when the news is supposed to be an unbiased source of information
step 5) Drink on the words "BP" "Oil" and 'Responsibility"
I promise you'll have a good night, and that you'll have to stop drinking within 20 min :D

2) This delightful rhyme:
"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Who died in an oil spill becaues of BP?

3)I get the opportunity to bitch about what a biased craptastic "objective reporter" Anderson Cooper is. Also, he thinks that he's pretty, and thats just fuckin annoying. My dentist thinks he's pretty too, but thats a whole nother story...


5)This comic :D

(I stole it from the blog OBVIOUSWINNER, it's not mine, just so everyone knows)

So, thats my list, I hope you liked it, don't hate me for seeing the hilarious in an obvious tradgedy..


Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Aside About Me

So story is that I'm feeling a little melancholy today. Because of this, we're going to take a break from my usual brand of sarcastic, critical, possibly offensive, and slightly angry brand of humor ( and by brand of humor, I mean "oh god, I hope people think I'm funny").
I had people over last night, we laughed, we drank, we reminiced because we've all known eachother for a long time now. It was a good night... this morning, I woke up, hung over, and went to work for the day. No headache, but a world of stomache issues (not that you asked, but I like to share, because sharing is caring). Nonetheless, I had a pretty good day. Laughed alot with our temp, who is amazing, and who's last day it also is.. I flirted with the cute new guy as well. I had a wicked amazing sandwitch for lunch. It was freaking yummy.

And yet, when I came home all the good posativity just leaked away, and I was, am, left tired, and just feeling lonely. I've had good pasta and am watching Sex and the City reruns on Cosmo tv.. which I guess, has left me here: blogging about being melancholy. Despite the people I've known these past few years, I don't feel that there's anyone that I could call up right at this moment to talk about my day, or how it changed from pretty awesome to weird, which, in the end, I guess is my problem: there isnt anyone in my life that I feel close enough to, or trust enough, to let in like that. Because of that, I'm lonely, and its my own damn fault.

All in all, I guess what sums it up is that I really want that warm and glow-y feeling that comes from really feeling cared for. Thats all I guess.




Friday, July 16, 2010

I Have A Fucking Issue With...

So, story is, that I have a fucking issue with people who french manicure their toenails. I think its revolting. I mean, really guys, really? Who the fuck wants to see some long ass toenails pokin out of your otherwise cute peeptoe heels, or worse yet, flip flops that leave nothing to the imagination. Just gotta tell you bitches, it is not, under any circumstances pretty, ok, or.. christ on bike. I just don't have the words, so, I'll give you a picture.

This blog has been brought to you by summer footwear

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pass On Some Love

So, story is that this is going to be another work related thing. Today a lady came into the bakery and poked about, ordered, and we got into a small conversation. The weather etc, etc, at the end of the conversation, I told her that her hair was fantastic. And Goddamnit it was! BIG BIG BIG curles all over her head, popping out from under her headband.(her hair was like the picture, but instead of a serenly smiling white girl who looks like she's rolling her eyes, imagine a sassy african american lady with dark pink lipstick and a headband. She looked amazing)
She also looked like I’d handed her the world on a silver plate her smile was that big.
Moral of the story is that though it may not feel like it, the words that we say to others make a difference, and could impact someone’s day either negatively or in a wonderful way.
This isn’t the first time I’ve had this thought, but it does occasionally reoccur, and each and every time I’m amazed anew at the difference everyday things make in my day. I smiled all day long, because of the way that this lady smiled at the compliment that I gave her.
Pretty awesome hey? Now, here's a challenge for you: see if YOU can pass on some love today, just giving the smallest compliment, can make a persons day. We've all had people do it for us, let's pass it on :D


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Its Just Too Fucking Hot Out

and I'm slightly sunstroked, and I don't have a bathing suit, and theres too many people around to skinny dip, and the only thing keeping me sane are my coke (the drink... duh), my sunglasses, and MY SUPERAWESOME NEW HAT THAT I JUST GOT RIGHT NOW. Look at it. Isnt it amazing? I'm going to wear it EVERYWHERE, because thats just what I'm going to do. Thats all.