Monday, January 18, 2010

Lumberjack'n it

Well, well, well, today, a bright new day, full of possibility, full of potential for new adventures, joys and friendships.

I call bullshit.

I started my day at 3 am, when I woke in an unexplained blind panic, only to realize, that because of the howling winds outside, my power had gone out. My alarm clock, serving to wake me up an hour and a half from then, for the opening shift at work, plugs into the wall, leaving me alarm-clock-less. Scrambling around my room, for my christmas-stocking'd battery powered alarm clock in the dark, resulted in my stepping on two thumbtacks. Joy and happiness, right?
So, I find my other alarm clock, crawl back into bed, and pass out for that last blissful hour before I have to offically wake up for the day.
4:45 in the morning, and I'm woken for the second time by the ever increasing insistant beeping of my new red alarm clock. Time to get up for work.
I haul ass, pulling on my black pants, white button down, stuffing my tie in my bag, in a simple recognition that I am not yet awake enough to tie it properly. I creep upstairs, attempting stealth, so as to not wake my family too early. I eat something, and realize that I'm going to have to go coffee-less at least until I get to work, because the power STILL hasnt come back on.
Now, 5:30, and I'm leaving. I stumble blindly out to the car, without the usual friendly aide of our exterior lampost. In the car, I jet out, driving carefully, but with enough speed to get to work early enough for me to drink some coffee, and to fix my bloody tie. Five minutes into my drive, I realize that that was a ridiclous expectation.
Why, you ask, was it such a ridiclous hope? Well, let me tell you, that the road, because of the power-outing wind, was littered with branches, transforming into a winding carpet of green, camoflauging fallen trees.
About those trees. Hydro and Highways had come along earlier and chopped them up into 3 foot (or 1 metre.... I'm Canadian, but I prefer feet to metres, call me crazy) sections. They did not, however, think to remove those three foot sections from the road. This lack of foresight resulted in my stopping, getting out of my nice warm car, into the driving wind and rain, and lumberjacking those sections of log off of the road every few minutes.

Epic story to tell to tell over a shot or three with the pals? Yes.
Real-life, Early-morning bummer? Oh yes, most definitly.
Freaking Priceless? I'd like to think so...

Now, I'm back from work, having survived my 6:00-2:30 shift, a consultation for my very first tattoo, and my very first visit to Opt (my local sexual health clinic... getting the pill :), and am sitting in my room, with, HURRAY, finally, the power back on, 18 hours later, writing my first frusteration-born blog... all in all, a frusteratingly good day.

Peace and Love,
