Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things I Fucking Love: Awesomeness Because of BP Oil Spill

SO, story is that just because every damn body else is complaining about the oil spill and the utter tragedy attatched to beaches and small animals being coated in oil doesnt mean that no good has come of it!
Here's a list of A Few Good Things That Have Come From The Oil Spill

1) The BP Drinking Game
For those of you who don't know yet, here's how to play:
step 1) Grab yo crew
step 2) Grab yo drink-o-choice
step 3) Turn on the ridiclous bullshit that is CNN
step 4) Bitch loudly about how stupid and biased Anderson Cooper is, when the news is supposed to be an unbiased source of information
step 5) Drink on the words "BP" "Oil" and 'Responsibility"
I promise you'll have a good night, and that you'll have to stop drinking within 20 min :D

2) This delightful rhyme:
"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Who died in an oil spill becaues of BP?

3)I get the opportunity to bitch about what a biased craptastic "objective reporter" Anderson Cooper is. Also, he thinks that he's pretty, and thats just fuckin annoying. My dentist thinks he's pretty too, but thats a whole nother story...


5)This comic :D

(I stole it from the blog OBVIOUSWINNER, it's not mine, just so everyone knows)

So, thats my list, I hope you liked it, don't hate me for seeing the hilarious in an obvious tradgedy..


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