Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Things I Fucking Love: Acessories!

So, story is that I've found some really interesting things on the internet over the past few days, acessorie wise, let me show you my findings.

First off, these 7 deadly sins rings. Aren't they just utterly gorgeous?

My absolute favorite is the pride ring. Partly because I'm a ridiclously prideful person, and partially because it's GORGEOUS, it's big and flamboyant, and slightly reptilian, and I love it.

Next up are these amazing bowties. I love me a bowtie, but these just take the cake, I prefer the top one, iwth the roses and chains coming off of it, its tough, but still sort of sweet. I also quite like how the bowtie itself sort of looks like a butterfly with the subtle snakeskin pattern on it.

Last up are these two necklaces. I want them. So bad. The one on the left is a T S Elliot quote, and the right is Virginia Woolfe. I really like the floral detailing on the T S Elliot, but the simplicity of the Woolfe is stunning. Plus, I sort of love that two of my passions (words and fashion) are coming together to make something beautiful.

What do you think? Love em? Hate em?



ps. I don't know who to credit for the photos, or for the jewlry itself, so I appologize for that, if anyone knows anything, please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Lia,
    I love that necklace with the Virginia Woolf quote! I want one!!!
    Your latest follower! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
